Hao Liang's Blog

Embrace the World with Cloud Native and Open-source

Renaming Node Name without Resetting kubelet Environment

Goal Rename any node name in Kubernetes cluster. No need to reset the whole kubelet environment like most of the approaches. No need to drain any Pods running on the Node. Bootstrap Process of kubelet Doc refer to: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/kubelet-tls-bootstrapping/ Chinese version introduction refer to: https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1656007 The kubelet process starts. Try to find kubeconfig file specified by arg --kubeconfig=xxx, if not found, try to find bootstrap-kubeconfig file specified by arg --bootstrap-kubeconfig=xxx instead.

【Kubelet】Practical analysis of Kubernetes node extension resources and Device Plugin

1. Background In kubernetes, the node is abstracted into a resource (resource). Currently, there are five officially defined attributes for the allocable resource size of the node: cpu, memory, ephemeral-storage, hugepages-1Gi, hugepages-2Mi When we create a Pod, the scheduler will determine whether the Pod’s requests (required resources) meet the allocable resources of the current node and determine whether the Pod can run on this node. In many business scenarios, it is impossible to fully describe the resource attributes of a node (such as GPU, network card bandwidth, number of allocable IPs, etc.