Hao Liang's Blog

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【Troubleshooting】Summary of kube-apiserver troubleshooting techniques (analysis of logs and caching principles)

1. Related background When troubleshooting apiserver issues, we found nodes that may have performance bottlenecks through monitoring. The next step is to further analyze the apiserver logs on the nodes. 2. APIServer log analysis skills Trace log Log printing conditions When the total request time exceeds the threshold (default 500ms), apiserver will print the trace log, and at each step of the trace, it will calculate a step time-consuming threshold

【Troubleshooting】Summary of kube-apiserver troubleshooting techniques (monitoring analysis)

1. Related background As the scale of a single K8s cluster continues to expand (the number of nodes reaches 4,000+), we found during the operation that the apiserver has gradually become the performance bottleneck of the cluster, prone to problems such as unresponsive requests, slow responses, and request rejections, and even causes cluster avalanches, causing Network failure found. The following details how to quickly locate and troubleshoot apiserver performance issues.