Hao Liang's Blog

Embrace the World with Cloud Native and Open-source

KubeCon AI_dev 中国香港 2024 回顾

1. KubeCon 简介 2024 年 8 月 21 日至 23 日,云原生计算基金会的旗舰会议联合开源峰会和 AI_dev 在香港汇聚来自领先开源和云原生社区的应用者和技术专家。 KubeCon 每年会在欧洲、

Recap of KubeCon AI_dev HongKong 2024

1. Introduction to KubeCon The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference joins with Open Source Summit and AI_dev to gather adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Hong Kong from 21-23 August 2024. KubeCon is held every year in 3 places in Europe, America, and Asia. It has entered China since 2018. This is the third time I have attended in KubeCon. The first two times I attended as a speaker.